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Law Enforcement Explorer Post

Advisor's Association of Colorado

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Arvada Fundraiser

  • September 18, 2020
  • October 17, 2020

Hello All,

I know it's been a while since we have seen one another due to COVID restrictions but we haven't forgotten about all of you.  Not making the yearly drive to Gunnison this summer sure put a damper on things for everyone.  I mean after all, this is why you all work so hard throughout the year, right?  

With that being said, I thought it would be a good way to start our journey towards the 2021 Conference with some swag.  

Please click on the CORRECT link below and it will direct you to the store.  

If you would like to pick your order up in person in Arvada, please use this link: 

Local Link

For those of you outside the Denver Metro Area or who would like your order shipped, please use the following link:

Shipping Link

Look forward to seeing all of you next summer at the Conference.  Work hard and stay safe!!


Officer K. Lechuga

School Resource Officer - Arvada K8

Dispatch: 720.898.6900

Desk: 720.898.6935

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